Put all your angels on the edge
Keep all the roses, I’m not dead
Missed me much? :D I’ve caught a cold so I didn’t have to go to school today. And you know what that means, right? Spending the whole day on the computer! …Ahem, I obviously meant to write ‘resting and trying to get better’. x3
I should really do something to improve the quality of this blog… It’s really starting to bother me that my most used tags are random and fail. >.<’’ I’ve been thinking about sorting my blogs out. This one would be for my life in general, Alteregoizm would remain the vampire blog, my lj would be for fandoms, I’d have an angst blog and a writing blog and lastly, I’ve been thinking of starting some kind of a fashion blog. That’s six blogs in total. I wouldn’t be able to update any of them, would I? But I really need a fashion blog for my studies… Would it get very confusing if I just started adding some fashion illustrations here? o.O
Anyway, my blog improvement started with a new header. I was tired of the old one, but now I’m not sure if the new header quite fits the current layout. I really wouldn’t want to change this blog’s appearance too much… The light violet text on the darker background probably isn’t the most eye-catching, but I really like this colour scheme. Life’s hard.
On to the happy events of these past two weeks! Tarja’s new album What Lies Beneath was released on the 1st of September but I only got my hands on it on the 2nd.
Distracting Mizus of my school folder in the background) I obviously had to buy the Deluxe Version of the album, with three extra songs and a video of Tarja talking about WLB. :3 I’m loving this CD so much! Musically, it still isn’t at the same level as Nightwish, but Tarja’s voice is so beautiful! I’m loving the lyrics in most songs, too. I really felt the hype for this album when Tarja released the videos of Falling Awake, I Feel Immortal and Until My Last Breath. Luckily, the rest of the songs didn’t disappoint either. I think this album is more mature than My Winter Storm, but the musicians still need to put more passion to their playing to really bring out Tarja’s voice as best as they can. I’ve listened this from the top for about 13 times and by now I’m loving about every song, even the slower ones that didn’t quite catch my attention on MWS. Tarja’s first solo album had a couple of songs that felt more personal, My Little Phoenix for me and I Walk Alone for Tarja herself, the Alice Cooper cover Poison that still sounds great, and Lost Northern Star and Boy and the Ghost that I still keep listening, but WLB is an album I can keep listening without skipping one song. Unlike I Walk Alone, I still haven’t grown bored with Falling Awake. Major improvement there! And I can’t do a mini-review of this album without mentioning the extra song that got me drooling; Still of the Night, a Whitesnake cover that rocks my socks! The lyrics, the power, the love! *-*
Next up: what I did last weekend!
I went to see my grandparents in Lahti. There was some kind of an art day, so the town was full of events from free tickets to various museums to a 50’s fashion show. It was fun, but the freezing weather (about 12 Celsius degrees and a terrible wind) made it slightly unpleasant to go from one place to another.
Me and my granny went to an art gallery where the first 50 visitors got a surprise gift. Thus, I am now two Neopikos richer than last week!
I really couldn’t remember which two colours I had already, so I just took a turquoise marker that looked nice. My granny picked a pink one, which she gave to me afterwards. *-* I also bought a Japanese brush-like pen, since they had a 20% discount on every product they had. I really don’t know what that pen should be called, but it has a brush tip and black ink inside. Taitti had bought one of those before and she liked it, so I thought I could get one as well. :3
Other than that, my weekend was very tasty. Dad’s mom took me to a Spanish beef restaurant for lunch on Saturday and in the evening we had some apple pie she had made with ice-cream and other tasty things afterwards. On Sunday I ate porridge for breakfast, with some delicious blueberries and nonna, my mother’s mom, took me to Santa Fé to eat some more beef for lunch (pear ice-cream with caramel sauce for dessert, as usual ♥).
When I got back home, it didn’t take long before my dad came back from Tour de Helsinki, a big bicycle race, with his collar bone broken. He had fallen over at around 3 p.m. and was heading to hospital, just stopping by the house to pick some clean clothes with him. We’ve been having a bit depressing mood at home this week, since he hasn’t even been able to have a surgery yet. Get well soon, daddy! ;__;♥
On to shopping! Actually, I was shopping on last Thursday, so these should have been higher up the post, before my trip to Lahti. Anyway, I finally bought myself a pair of leggings!
(Sorry for the face lag, took the photo today, with no make-up on and feeling ill.) I remember swearing I’d never get a pair of leggings. Well, as they say, one should never say never. :D
Takarazuka freaking fandom, would you stop messing with my mind already? …The leggings are actually a bit thin-fake leather-like and look more shiny in real life. :'D With those boots… (Hey, I’m also showing you my lovely new feet-killers here!) Internet is for porn? :____D I really don’t know if I’ll ever have the guts to wear those anywhere public. x3 My wardrobe isn’t exactly full of clothes that could be worn stylishly with leggings…
Ahem, anyway, I also bought a you know what… Nail polish! FAIL! xD
OPI DS Coronation. (No I didn’t spend 19,95 € on a nail polish when I’m saving for all that Zuka stuff and dreaming of new clothes… >.>'')
As always, the application is perfect. *-* You just can’t go wrong with an OPI DS polish. This would actually have been a three-coater, but the sparkliness allowed me to go with just two coats. (I did my nails at around midnight and was supposed to wake up at six in the morning. x.x)
Now I’m tempted to wear DS Extravagance next, but I’m also getting a feeling that I haven’t had red nails for too long… D: The problem of owning too many nail polishes, it’s always a pain to decide which one to wear next!
…I also bought two zippers to sew on the legs of a pair of black pants to make them more up-to-date. :3 Just have to get around to actually doing it…
Lastly, I would like to share something related to style with you! :3
A photo from Stockmann’s Premier magazine. If I had the money, I would definitely go and buy some of those clothes! *-*Especially the ones in right… And about all the shoes… Damn, why are Stockmann’s clothes so expensive? T-T
That’s about it. See you next time~
Miks noi Mizut heti hyppi silmille?
ReplyDeleteMizu on Mizu. In your face, daaaa! ...Okei, en tiiä. xD
ReplyDeleteHaaste sulle. :33