Hiya all! Long time no see. For once I’m not going to apologize for the blog silence since I’ve got a perfect excuse for my absence. *dum-de-dum* It’s actually school. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, for the past two weeks I have actually been studying! I got accepted to the school I wished to attend! Yay, go me! I’m studying sewing women’s clothes. 8) Suits me perfectly, don’t you think?
Okay, I have a crapload of photos to show you and nothing much in my brain to tell about them. :'D It’s obviously been too long since my last update, too many things have happened and I can’t keep my thoughts organized. Sorry if this gets messy again. x3
Since I mentioned visiting my godparents’ summer house in my last post, I could start with that. No, I didn’t take any photos. Yes, I did manage to get Stella somewhat hooked on Takarazuka. Heck yes, we had a great time! We should definitely see each other more often~
Chronologically, the next thing would probably be D’espairsray’s new album MONSTERS.
Limited edition with DVD (that I haven’t actually watched yet o.O), straight from Japan. :3 Took me a while to really get in to the songs, but the more I listen to it the better it sounds. It’s a bit lighter than their usual style, but it’s catchy and I’m sure it’ll work well live. I really need to start learning the lyrics by heart…
I have been enjoying the Zukaism with Zara. One Saturday we went to Helsinki to window-shop all things otokoyaku. And, well, I bought a pair of Kamijo-boots. :____D It just happened, I swear I didn’t mean to! …Ahem, whatever, here’s a crappy photo of my outfit of that day:
The otokoyaku scarf combined with a black shirt and a pen skirt? I really don’t know. :'3 You can’t actually see it all that well in the photo, but I managed to make myself the Tooto nails. Finally!
I bought myself a new nail polish, yet again. My previous Tooto polish had run dry, so I couldn’t help buying GOSH Black Passion. The colour is love, but I don’t really love the horrible tip pull it creates. Anyway, Black Passion was the base, OPI Catch Me in Your Net was added on the tips and the finishing touches were done by an eyeliner brush with Lumene Natural Code Classy. The result? Here:
I didn’t bother to take too detailed a photo, since I haven’t got any detailed photos of the real Tooto nails myself. (Explanations, explanations. x3) I ended up loving the result and am actually thinking of doing this design with some other colours too. (RED, anyone?)
Ahem, then I’ve got a mass of photos of my face from a random lonely photo shoot. :'3 Feel the otokoyaku-vibe with a hint of feminine Hetaism added in. :'D
Man, I feel like a woman~♪ Or not. xD Dude-ism (what’s with the creative use of language again?) doesn’t make me look hot… I don’t even look like my dad here. x3
Okay, now on to the good part! Me, Zara and Nepi went to Helsinki last Sunday to take some photos. It was so much fun and it shows. :D
The coolest photo of me and Nepi.
Zuka dance reinvented caboeira. xD I can’t help lolling at these~
An unedited photo of
my failing hair me. Ta-dah!
Umm, I don’t really have all that much free time these days… It takes me about an hour and a half to get to school and the same to get back home, and the days aren’t all that short either. Last week I managed to not sit on the computer every night and thus I got to sleep about six hours per night. Yesterday, I failed. I stayed up ‘til half past two in the morning, watching Zuka videos. How irresponsible can one be of herself? >___>'' Now I just have to share this, even though most of you probably aren’t interested… My Zuka fandom has risen to a level where I hail about every otokoyaku I see. I just discovered the greatness of Maya Miki and that discovery is going to cause me so much pain. The woman has had a concert in Budokan. Where she sung Malice Mizer’s Gekka no Yasoukyoku. The live video is extremely hard to find. Somebody please shoot me now! A hot otokoyaku (they really knew how to fanservice in the 90s) singing one of my favourite songs! Gekka no Yasoukyoku is actually my example of how to somewhat ruin your favourite song by having it as the tune of your alarm clock. But it’s love. I would do about anything to see a clip of Miki singing it. WHERE CAN I FIND THAT VIDEO? (It has also Mizu in it. *-*)
I ain’t got no money, money~♫
…I love the autumn fashion collections, by the way. They’re always full of clean cuts and black and everything that I love. If I had the money, I would shop ‘til I drop in Seppälä, Lindex and Stockmann. I need shiny leggings, for example.
Due to lack of sleep last night, I can’t come up with anything clever to write. :'3 Sorry~
Until next time sweeties~ ♥
P.S. Keep listening to Desert Rose by Sting (whom I won’t be seeing live T-T) and watching different versions of the hotness Kosame. ;3
P.P.S. I should probably revive my writing blog, since I’ve got some 3000 words of YuMizu fanfiction on my computer… 8D