
I know I should be studying, but… ^^

I’m too addicted to this whole blog thing all of a sudden. :P I have a history test tomorrow and I really should be preparing for that right now… Well, I’ll just save it for later (as I always do ^__^”).

Today I promised myself that I wouldn’t sleep with curlers on any time soon. Why? Because a) I can’t really sleep with them and b) I didn’t actually get the kinds of results I wished for. Here is what my hair looked like yesterday evening:


Well at least it is curly, right? x) The best thing is that I didn’t learn from the first try, I had to sleep with those curlers for a second time, too! Oh my, how I hated myself for that mistake this morning.

I have been so dead today. I think I fell asleep sometime after midnight or so, which means I slept 6 hours at max. Doesn’t really help me getting better. Luckily I survived all three lessons at school, with the help of painkillers and Strepsils. Now I’ve only got to stay awake for 4 more hours.

I’ll just have to call it a night early today. I’ll be watching the tv for an hour (21.00-22.00) so I should take a shower before that. (As if that’s going to happen!) And it would be good if I had already read my history book before taking a shower. :P

By the way, here’s something I’d like to share with you: http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5451132. I just discovered Etsy through deviantArt and it seems like a pretty nice site. The person whose shop I just linked to you makes really gorgeous jewelry, I’ll definitely have to buy something from her. And she’s willing to ship the items for free! That’s just awesome. I just love that Dark Angel Pendant, for example, but $100 is a bit too much money for me to spend on one piece of jewelry. Maybe I’ll order a pair of cameo earrings or a cameo necklace because I absolutely adore them. ^^

Today I’ll end my entry with a very random snapshot I took yesterday. Because my stomach and legs look funny. ^^


Totoro.jpg ^^ That has got to be the most flattering picture that has ever been taken of me. >___<’’ I’ll stop this randomness right now. Buh-Bye!

(Btw, I think I used the word yesterday about two times in this entry and on both times I managed to spell it as yestarday. How lame of me. =___=’’)

P.S. I really want to buy the new Singstar Queen for PS2! I can’t sing but that has never stopped me from doing it. And Queen is just pure love. <3

P.P.S. I should do something to my nails…


  1. Tuuheat hiukset... Ja mäki tääl ahkerasti luen bilsaa. xD

  2. aw:---------D nojoo itelleniki todella kelpais! kahellakympillä vois harkita mut melkei 40e ni ouuch.. no ehkä joskus B)
