
Good news at the end of a long day

Whee! First of all I’m sorry for my belated update (as usual). I was going to make a post about my room on Sunday, since I finally managed to clean up here. As it turns out, I never actually had the time/energy/inspiration to take any photos, so you’ll have to wait for that one a little bit longer. I managed, however, to take a few pics of my nails, so you’ll see some golden nail polish later on this post. ^^

But now to the ggrrrreat news! Well, let’s start with something minor and only then move on to the real subject, ok? So, Gackt will be releasing four, yes, FOUR new singles in the upcoming summer to celebrate his 10-year-long career as a solo artist. Whee! This obviously wouldn’t be such minor news for me if I wasn’t waiting for the actual album to come out already. And if there wasn’t something even bigger on the horizon. But as it happens, there is something so great coming on. Okay, okay, I’ll get to the point already. D’espairsRay is coming to Finland and I’m going to see them! Yayy! I’ll have my mom buy tickets for me and Taina tomorrow and then I’ll be jumping on the walls for the whole weekend. The best plan ever, right? Oh, my family’s going to love this, I tell you. But after we get the tickets there’ll be the waiting for three months… Gah, how am I going to make it? O.O J-rock is my anti-drug (but not the only one, of course).

Huh, after all that hype it is time to tell you a little of my life at the moment. Not that there has been much changes in my life in the past… week or so, but since I know you love to have me write something that’s what I shall do.

About life in general: School is killing me most of the time, though I’m keeping up better than last year. (Probably has something to do with not having French lessons or something. ^^) I have seen two theater shows in the past ten days, both of which were really good. I guess the last time I was in a theater was about two years ago, so it was about time to go see something.

Creativity: I have some good ideas and inspiration, even, but I’m just too lazy to get anything done. >.<’’

So-called style: I’ve fallen in love with hime-gyaru fashion. The big hair. *-* And all the pink and white. *-* I fail as a vampire-lover from the dark side (Lol, never actually been even close to that! I’m too kind for that. :P). But c’mon, I’m supposed to be the one who doesn’t wear anything but black, white and crimson! ;;___;; Luckily I’m a person who isn’t loyal to just one certain style. I wear what I like. Great, so now with that decided I can show you my attempt at putting up my hair:


Hehe, ignore my messy room. ^^ Someday I’ll understand that it sometimes helps if you close the closet door. But about that hair. It was just something I tried to do, a bit of tesing and about three hair pins, no hairspray or anything. My hair always looks best just before I go to bed. And the next morning – no chance of getting it to look even ok. –____-" I see I managed to hide my face pretty well in this photo. Yayy, mission completed!

And now to the golden nails as promised:

Kultakynnetbow kultakynnetlaukku kultakynnetlakka

Just for the fun of it! Two coats, this Mavala 37 Gold is quite transparent and maybe a bit too yellowish for me. I bought this one for my school’s ball a few moths back. Lasted on my nails well for about four days. ^^

I guess I’ve already mentioned my love for the nail blogs? Nowadays I would just love to go and buy myself a few dozen nail polishes, but I’m a bit too rational to do that. (Weird, I’d never have believed the word rational applied to me in any way. o.o) I have decided to buy a few new ones, though. I’ll have my dad order me a few Konads, because I just have to try them out. ^^

And it will be May Day next week! We’ll have a dress-up 'party' at school the next Thursday and I’ll have to come up with something nice to wear… Maybe I’ll find inspiration in hime-kei and my Gothic&Lolita magazines. ^^

Bye for now and maybe I’ll have a post about my room for you next time. This post has to end with a ^^


  1. Himegyarut on söps<3
    Kultanen kynsilakka ois must kivaa jos se ois semmosta kunnolla peittävää : D

  2. Mavala ! so cute !

    I'm in love with your bag <3
