
Razzle dazzle and all that jazz

Happy New Year everyone! It’s been two months since my last post, so I could start the new year with promising that I’ll update my blog more often. ^^

2010 was an unforgettable year, to say the least. I’ve been up so high it feels unreal and I’ve been down to the point where I’ve thought I wouldn’t be able to make it to 2011. But here I am and for the moment I’m feeling positive about the future. Other than updating my blog more I’ll promise to start putting goals to myself and really start acting like the grown-up I’m supposed to be. I’ll also promise not do the same mistakes over and over again, keeping my friends close and be more active when it comes to meeting people, old and new. I’ll do everything I can to avoid depression, exercise and go outdoors regularly and eat more healthy food.

But that’s enough of the new year’s promises. During these last two months I’ve, for example, turned 19, got my driver’s license and cut my hair. I know you want less typing and more photos, so here comes.

Picture 1197 Picture 1217 Picture 1216 I was supposed to go for a more otokoyaku-like cut, but instead ended up with a bob. Getting a less feminine cut = fail but at least the bob suits me and I’ve got a lot of compliments. Many have said that I’m finally out of that typical high-schooler look. Sorry about the bad webcam quality, by the way. The darkest months of the year aren’t the best for taking photographs. …Which actually brings us to my next subject; Christmas! We had a very white one here in southern Finland, as you can see in this photo of our front yard:

It has been snowing even more since this photo was taken. I love snow so this is good news for me. ♥

Next up is my Christmas look:

Joulu10You can’t actually see it in this photo, but my Snö of Sweden necklace matched very well with that shirt. ^^

My main gift for both my birthday and Christmas was a trip to London with my friend Pia. We had to go through a bit of a setback with it when half of Europe got covered in snow before Christmas and Heathrow was closed just the day we were supposed to set off. Well, we got our flights rescheduled and instead of Christmas shopping we went to London just in time for the great post Christmas sales. That is to say we flew to London on the 27th and returned on the 30th. We didn’t do too much shopping, though: too much people for both of us. ^^’’ We did, however, go to see a musical, since we are both big fans of the London West End shows. We got our half-price tickets to Chicago from tkts and I’ve got to say that £33 was a real bargain for each of the third-row seats we got. *-* The show was amazing, the performers were fabulous and we got to see it all just a few meters away from the stage. Love! Here’s a photo of the theater the night after we saw the musical:

I guess I was supposed to notice how hot all of the male dancers were, but I couldn’t keep my eyes off Vivien Carter whose Velma Kelly made me speechless. ♥__♥ I managed to notice though that Billy Flynn was played by Terence Maynard from Young Dracula the TV series! :D

I guess the best word to describe our London trip would be sexy, since the night after we saw Chicago we went to see Burlesque the movie. That too was much fun and full of great singing. Christina Aguilera’s voice is just something else.

Probably slightly inspired by the dazzling London trip, I slept with curlers on last night. If only I could control the curls a bit more I think I would really fall in love with this style…









Not quite the Todoroki curls, right Zara? ^__~ Again, it’s too dark to take photos and with my photographing skills… Well, the last photo seems alright to me, at least.

That’s all for now. See you soon, dears! ♥


  1. Ahaa, olin siis kirjottamassa kommenttia ja scrollasin takas ylös ja tänne alalaitaan palatessani teksti oli kadonnut. Hienoa. Mitäköhän mä taas kirjotinkaan..?

    Muistaakseni jotain sepustusta Todorokin otokoyaku-charmista ja siitä, että noilla kiharoilla kieltämättä ei saa ihan samaa aikaan (Tom's New Year's portrait pic is fabulous btw.)

    Mut noi onkin tommoset söpöt vintage-kiharat. :D

    Mitähän muuta... 2010 ei tosiaan ollut ihan tasanen vuosi (minkä toki tiedätkin jo) ja Lontoossa en ole ollut eli siitä en voi mitään sanoa, mut onneks te nyt kaikesta huolimatta pääsitte sinne.

    Ajattelin scrollata vielä ylös kattoakseni oonko jättänyt jotain huomaamatta, mutta tää teksti vois taas kadota, joten ehkä vaan postitan tän.

    (Epämääräisen pitkällinen sepustus johtunee liiallisesta lukemisesta, pahoittelen.)

  2. Pitkä sepustus on pitkä ja hyvä niin! :D

    ...Multa ei näköjään nyt voi odottaa vastaavaa, oon ilmeisesti vuodattanut (aika takeltelevasti) sieluni jo tohon postaukseen... :'D

  3. Chicago on ihana! :D

  4. @Kat: Se on! :D Ja ainaki tos esitykses mikä me nähtiin noi esiintyjät oli kaikki ihan älyttömän hyviä laulajia!

  5. I like very much your Christmas outfit! I'm sure that your Sno of Sweden necklace matched very well with your shirt! You look so beautiful and charming! wow...a trip to London?? what a great birthday gift!

  6. @kim23: Thank you very much for the lovely comment! And yes, that was a great birthday gift! I love traveling and London~
