
A kiss while your lips are still red

Hiya all! I’m supposed to be sleeping but instead I’m just sitting here staring at my screen so thought I’d quickly update my blog. :3

My week has been… confusing, to say the least. I got my swine flu vaccination on Tuesday and thus was sick on Wednesday. My arm was terribly sore up until yesterday and I was in a bad mood. I even skipped my morning lessons on Friday just because I felt depressed. And today I’ve been hyper. :''D It’s the rollercoaster of emotions again.

But now to the point! I thought I’d post a random image of my face since I haven’t posted any of those in a while. x3 Here we go, a random lipstick experiment:

Christmasnails2 Sorry for the crappy quality! :'D The length of a day is less than six hours at this time of the year so I really haven’t had much of a chance to take photos with natural light. Crappy photo is crappy. Oh well, at least you got to see my face. :'D

Aaaaaand here’s my main reason for doing this post:

Christmasnails I did my nails today! ^^ I actually wanted to do something vampire-inspired but instead ended up with these Christmas-y nails. :'3 Used Lumene’s Dancing Waves and O.P.I I’m Not Really A Waitress plus Mavala’s base coat. And I’ve run out of top coat so none was used. :__D (Dunno why I just got Gackt- ahem, sorry, GACKT’s Arittake no ai de on my mind… I want to wrap you in my love or something like that… I wrapped my nails in love? o.O Maybe they represent love… Ok, wtf am I rambling about? xD)

On with the show! I finally got a proper mirror in my room! here’s another crappy photo:

peili Ta-dah! xD How did my face dissapear in the light so conveniently? xD And the photo is so straight that I could cry… :__D

hetapiirtää I just had to draw this up quickly on the other day. :__D Describes perfectly how I look while watching Mizu videos. x3 Concentration: 100% (can’t say the same about the drawing process…)

Hmm was that all? :__D I really don’t know but it’s time for me to sleep. I’ll end this post with a quote of what someone wise once said:

The past is history, the future is a mystery, and this moment is a gift. That is why 'this moment' is called 'the present'.


  1. Kaunis kuva~ Ja omnomnom noi kynnet! *3* Tuun syömään sun kynnet huomen koulus... >;D Olikohan mul mitään järkevää sanottavaa taaskaan? :'3

  2. http://fearofanxiety.blogspot.com/2009/12/minun-sankyni-haaste.html

    Haastan sinut osallistumaan tuon linkin kautta hienoon minun sänkyni -haastetehtävään :)
